Monday, August 11, 2008

i miss home!


deep emo-ing!

i miss home n i miss EUU,dear!


been very quiet on de way bac to KL!

i called mummy when i reached KL but she switched off her phone d

so i asked dad to pass her msg!

*ern,here to mentioned tat i was webcam-ing wid mummy n bro last nite in deardear's hse!*

*tat was so fun!*

then,i tried to call dear lorh!

de moment he answered,my tears started to shed down

he was shocked n started to console me,pampered me!*THANKS*

i have been trying so hard not to cry but i had failed!


i miss euu seriously

it was so sad when i saw u drove off ur car n leaving me here alone!

dear,i wana hug EUU tight now so desperately!

In the past few days, we were As sweeettt as candies =)

McD is loved, EUU r my love TOO

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