Tuesday, December 11, 2007

may u stay happie everyday!
more n more pretty & get a handsome bf soon! (:
we have been living under one roof for one yr
u r such a nice,sweet caring roomate
b der for me when m down
make Milo & cup noodles 4 me when m hungry
thanks alots for everything u have done for me!
appreciate it very much!
gal,we wil b frens 4eva rite?b my roomate as long as u can!
i cant get along well wid other ppl!haahaa~



TSW & GLC have been tgt for 300days!


bb has been der for me all this times

no matter how badly i treat u,u wil stil tok bac 2 me softly n tried ur best 2 cheer me up!

chocolates are owaz in my bag

i would have chocolate in my mouth wheneva i want

cuz bb will owaz buy me many diff types of chocolates

u wil bring along a my fav chocolate wheneva u cum my hse! (:

u r such a sweet n caring boi!

thou we have not been seeing each other for 3 weeks,but my feeling 2wards u will neva b less yet it would grow deeper n deeper

now its time for us 2 have fun!

we muz cherish time being tgt cuz we r long distance relationship!

haahaa (;

may u can pass ur exam wid 5 HD

i Lurve euu,bb!

u make me so loved!

miss euu when u r not wid me~


sorry ya!sorry for being so rou ma!

hee (:

forgive me dis time kie?

300 days anniversary is important 2 me!

haahaa (:

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